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Scholarships are FREE money to help you to go to 大学. 有些是基于需要, 学业或运动成绩, 就业或组织成员, 或者只是偶然. Effort is required on your part to find available 奖学金, 完成申请, 写你的论文, 并提交所需材料. But the effort you put forth can be rewarded with the money you receive.


*卡斯珀大学 金融援助

*卡斯珀大学 奖学金门户

This portal allows you to apply for all 卡斯珀大学 Foundation and Institutional Scholarships. If you are planning on attending 大学 in the fall, you will need to sign onto STARS between January and March 1 to complete the process. March 1 is the priority deadline for 卡斯珀大学 (and probably many others).

卡斯珀学院有一个 外聘奖学金名单 在他们的网站.

*怀俄明大学 金融援助

华盛顿大学有一个 外聘奖学金名单 在他们的网站.




*不要为奖学金搜索付费. Think of it this way: Why would you pay someone to give you money? +在线搜索. +Check your school counselor’s office, your church, your parent’s employer, 等. +If you plan to attend 卡斯珀大学, make sure you register on the 奖学金门户.

申请奖学金需要时间. Plan time in your schedule to work on writing your essay(s), 征求建议, 变得有条理, 申请奖学金, 等. 每周承诺一到两个小时. If you tackle the process in chunks, it is less daunting. 不要等到最后一刻.

*组织. Start a file system so you can access what you need quickly and easily.

*尽早寻求推荐. The person may need time to collect their thoughts. It is also helpful if you provide them with a resume or list of your achievements.

*Who should you ask to write a letter of recommendation? Just like on a job application, you want to ask an adult who knows your strengths. That could be a teacher, pastor, job supervisor, the neighbor you mow the lawn for, 等. Your professional references should NOT be someone who is related to you.

你需要多少推荐信? It is better to have more than you need rather than not enough. Most job applications ask for three, so that would be a good start. Make sure you make a copies of the recommendation letters you receive so you only need to ask that person once, rather than each time you complete an application.

*校对. Your application is possibly the first and ONLY impression you will make. Make sure you either type all of your application materials or complete in blue/black ink and legible handwriting.

*Send all required information in one envelope.

*最后期限. 跟踪他们,早点到.




Is it better to write your final paper the hour before it is due or work on it little by little in the time between when it is assigned and when it is due?  确定, 有些人在时间紧迫的情况下工作得更好, but experts advise that you give this part of the process your time and attention.

Use these four steps when writing your essays: 头脑风暴, 组织, 研究, .

结构 & 格式

-Remember what you have learned in English class.  You will need an introduction, body, and conclusion.

-Make your essay personal, be unique and memorable, and remember your audience.

校对.  Have someone (or many people) you trust read your essay and check for spelling, 语法, 词的选择, 等.  展示而不是讲述. Again remember this essay is how the scholarship committee will get to know you and what differentiates you from the rest of the candidates.

Here are a few articles with more tips, hints, and help.

4 Ways to Make Your Scholarship Essay Stand Out (http://www.usnews.com/education/blogs/the-scholarship-coach/2013/01/31/4-ways-to-make-your-scholarship-essay-stand-out)

Top To Tips for 写作 Effective Scholarship Essays (http://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/College-scholarships/scholarship-application-strategies/top-10-tips-for-writing-effective-scholarship-essays/)

写一篇有奖学金价值的文章 (http://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/College-scholarships/scholarship-application-strategies/write-a-scholarship-worthy-essay/)


Some 奖学金 applications will ask you to answer a specific question related to the field of study or scholarship interest. Others may simply ask you to write an essay of a specific length explaining why you are the best deserving candidate.


Really think about and construct the answer to this question. While you don’t have to have it all planned out now, many 大学 and scholarship applications will ask you to write about this topic. 如果你有答案,你就领先一步了.


*What struggles have you overcome in your life?

*What skills have you acquired that will make you successful?


One parent mentioned that the scholarship application she and her student found online had a 20 minute time limit for completing the essay. 在这种情况下, having an outline or essay draft (proofread and ready to go) saved on your computer will allow you to copy and paste and change any information that would be specific to that specific scholarship.
